Dr. Tinotenda Chidhawu
Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies, University of Western Cape(SA); Master in Public Administration, University of Zimbabwe; Bachelor of Science Special Honours in Politics and Administration, University of Zimbabwe; Bachelor of Arts in French and Economic History, University of Zimbabwe;
Academic Appointments:
Research Interests:
Socio-economic rights and human rights law, public policy and governance.
Faculty: Social And Behavioural Sciences
Department: Governance and Public Administration
Research Category: Behavioral Sciences
Tinotenda Chichewa is a lecturer of Public Administration, Department of Governance and Public Management, University of Zimbabwe, and a Reviewer for the Zimbabwe Council of Higher Education. His PhD unpacked the right to adequate housing in Zimbabwe, a research that cemented his interests in socio-economic rights, human rights law, public policy and governance. He has presented papers at local and international fora on the aforementioned areas of specialisation. Prior to joining the University of Zimbabwe, he worked in civil society.
Phone: +263 712 304 835 / +263 712 392 040 / +263 772 396 763
Books /book chapters
1. Chidhawu, T. (2020). The Right to Adequate Housing in Zimbabwe: A Contextual and Jurisprudential Anatomy of Public Housing Policy Implementation; Harare (2000-2018). Thesis (Ph.D.). University of the Western Cape: University of the Western Cape Dissertation Publishing. Available at http://etd.uwc.ac.za/handle/11394/7676
Journal Articles
2. Magaya, K., & Chidhawu, T. (2016). An Assessment of the Professional Ethics in Public Procurement Systems in Zimbabwe: Case of the State Procurement Board (2009-2013). Review of Public Administration and Management, 4(1), 1-12. Available at: http://etd.uwc.ac.za/handle/11394/7676
Conferences Workshop Papers Presented
1. Chidhawu, T. (2018 May 3-6) .The Right to Shelter in Zimbabwe: The influence of Policy Content and Policy Context in the Implementation of Public Housing Policy in Harare (2000-2017). [Paper presentation] The Canadian Association of African Studies (CAAS) Conference, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
2. Chidhawu, T. (2018 August 16 - 18). Housing in a Changing Context: A Comparative Analysis of Inequality in Zimbabwe and South Africa [Paper presentation] The Young Scholars Initiative Africa Convening; 2018, University of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe.
3. Chidhawu, T. (2019 February 22-24). Paradise has become hell? American sanctions on Zimbabwe and its impact on housing with specific reference to Harare since 2002[Paper presentation]. Young Scholars Initiative North America Convening, 2019 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, United States of America.
4. Chidhawu, T. (2019 September 17-18). A Crisis of Inequality in Harare City: Residential Capitalism and the Economics of Housing in Zimbabwe (2000-2018) [Paper presentation] The Young Scholars Initiative Pre-Conference (Inclusive Institutions and Long-term Economic Development Workshop) 2019, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
5. Chidhawu, T. (2020 June 30). Constitutional Resilience and COVID-19 – Zimbabwe as a Case Study [Paper presentation] Webinar on Constitutional Resilience and Covid-19 Pandemic in Africa, Dullah Omar Institute, University of the Western Cape, South Africa.
Patented Work:
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