Dr. Mark Nyandoro
PhD History (UP), MA African Economic History (UZ), BA Sp. Hons (UZ), Grad C.E UZ)
Academic Appointments:
Senior Lecturer at the department of Economic History at the University of Zimbabwe
Research Interests:
climate change
environmental research
Faculty: Arts and Humanities
Department: Economic History
Research Category: Arts
Email: nyandoromark@yahoo.com
Phone: +263242303211
Nyandoro, M. (2019). Citizen-engagement circumvented: An analysis of liquid-waste information/knowledge, control and environmental policy-perspectives in Harare, Zimbabwe. Environment and history, 12.
Nyandoro, M. (2016). Implications for Policy discourse: The influx of Zimbabwean migrants into South Africa. In Constructing and Imagining Labour Migration (pp. 127-152). Routledge.
Nyandoro, M. (2013). Water resource management perspective in Botswana: A contrast between the colonial and the post-colonial periods up to 2010. UNU-INRA.
Nyandoro, M. (2012). Zimbabwe's land struggles and land rights in historical perspective: The case of Gowe-Sanyati irrigation (1950-2000). Historia, 57(2), 298-349.
Nyandoro, M. (2011). Innovation opportunities in irrigation technology for using virtual water in 21st century South Africa: reflections from the past to the present.
Nyamunda, T., Mukwambo, P., & Nyandoro, M. (2012). Navigating the hills and voluntary confinement: Magweja and the socio-economic and political negotiation for space in the diamond mining landscape of Chiadzwa in Zimbabwe, 2006-2009.
Nyandoro, M. (2011). Historical overview of the cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe (2008-2009). Journal for Contemporary History, 36(1), 154-174.
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