Researcher Profiles

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Mr. Farai Mutindindi


Master of Information Science, University of South Africa; Bachelor of Science in Applied Information Science.

Academic Appointments:

Junior Lecturer

Research Interests:

Information and internet entrepreneurship; Knowledge management; Disruptive technologies and Evidence synthesis and Systematic reviews.

Faculty: Social And Behavioural Sciences
Department: Community and Social Development
Research Category: Behavioral Sciences

Farai Mutindindi is a Junior Lecturer in the Department of Community and Social Development, Faculty of Social Studies at the, University of Zimbabwe. He is currently working towards a PhD in Information and Knowledge Management with the University of Johannesburg. He teaches modules offered under the Smart Technology Applications and Community Development degree programme. He is a modern innovative information professional pursuing a career in creating learning organizations and communities that leverage knowledge as a strategic asset for the accomplishment of objectives, gaining a competitive edge and sustainable existence. An expert in ICT’s with training in information management and information science. He is passionate about fostering academic development and advancement of communities through smart technology interventions. He has consulted for various organisations on ICT-based tasks which include Institute of Young Women Development; HEXCO; UNESCO & Korean Government; Anglo American Unki Mine; Judicial Service Commission officers in Information Management. Save the Children funded by the Oprah Winfrey Foundation and Elsevier.

Phone: +263 773 656 330 / 263 719 656 330

Patented Work:

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