Researcher Profiles

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Dr. Manasa Dzirikure


Doctor of Philosophy in Leadership studies (2011), focusing on systemic project/program management and inclusive social policy for sustainable development and wellbeing of vulnerable children and youth; MComm Project Leadership and Management (2006) awarded cum laude from the University of KwaZulu Natal. Master of Science in Population Studies (1995), University of Zimbabwe; Bachelor of Science Honours in Psychology (1993) , University of Zimbabwe; Diploma/ Certificates in Accounting, Auditing, Personnel Management, Public Relations.

Academic Appointments:

Research Interests:

(a) Applying postmodern "critical systems thinking" for inclusive social development and management practice, and policy formulation towards holistic outcomes for most vulnerable population groups; (b) Strengthening academic and practitioner nexus for evidence generation and innovative sustainable development solutions; (c) Public/ private accountability and active citizenry for inclusive development in least developed settings; (d) Managing grants for innovative social enterprise solutions.

Faculty: Social And Behavioural Sciences
Department: Community and Social Development
Research Category: Behavioral Sciences

Dr Dzirikure recently joined the Department of Community and Social Development as a lecturer on Monitoring and Evaluation and is a Fellow of the chartered Association for Project Management in the UK since 2009 where he has contributed as a global Technical Reviewer. He has over 25 years of international humanitarian-development program management practice during which he has developed, mobilised and fiduciary managed new regional social development projects and programs, led regional strategic and business planning and provided thought leadership on systemic intersectoral results-based programming, influenced inclusive regional policy, and performance monitoring and evaluation in Southern African Development Community (SADC). He is an evaluation and baseline research specialist who has applied international evaluation criteria such as OECD, and DFID value for money framework to measure project cycle progress and performance. Dr Dzirikure co-founded the SADC HIV/AIDS & SRH program, established the SADC OVC and youth program, and designed the SADC Child Protection and youth development architecture adopted by all countries and major donors in SADC. He also led the design and implementation of the multisectoral SADC Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (MER) framework and capacity building Initiative for OVC and youth and inspired and supported the establishment of a SADC wide M&E unit.

Phone: +263 777019400

Patented Work:

Grants & Funding (current and Past projects):

Awards & Achievements:

Consultancy and advisory work (current and past):

Supervision information (MPhil, DPhil, etc.):

Professional membership, Committees, Boards:

External Profile Links (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, other social media links):

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