Researcher Profiles

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Mr. Joachem Hatizivi Nyamande


Master of Peace, Leadership and Governance Degree (2004), Africa University, Zimbabwe; Master of Adult Education Degree (2003), University of Zimbabwe; Bachelor of Adult Education Degree (1998) ,University of Zimbabwe; Diploma in Adult Education (1993); University Zimbabwe.

Academic Appointments:


Research Interests:

Training, Peace building, Good Governance, Entrepreneurship, Project Management and Environment Management.

Faculty: Social And Behavioural Sciences
Department: Community and Social Development
Research Category: Behavioral Sciences

Joachem is a lecturer in the Department of Community and Social Development, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Zimbabwe. Currently, he is a DPhil Student (UZ)- Research Focus: A Community Engagement model on Forestry Management for Industrialisation in Zimbabwe, holder of a PhD in Project Management (AIU -2013) Research area: An Exploration into the Effectiveness of Project Management Practices of Community Based Organisations in Zimbabwe. Master of Peace, Leadership and Governance Degree (AU-2004)-Research area: Training as a Peacebuilding Intervention; A Study of Theory and Practice of Dag Hammarskjold Centre for Good Governance and Human Rights, Kitwe, Zambia. Master of Adult Education Degree (UZ-2003)-An investigation into the deterrents that led to low participation of secondary teachers’ in-service training activities run by the Better Schools Programme in Mutasa District, Zimbabwe. He initiated the Students Lifelong Learning Association at the University of Zimbabwe.He also has a wide experience working with Government and NGO sectors towards the empowerment of communities. His research interests are centred on Training, Peacebuilding, Good Governance, Entrepreneurship, Project Management and Environment Management.

Phone: +263 784533915.

Patented Work:

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Supervision information (MPhil, DPhil, etc.):

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