Researcher Profiles

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Dr. Priscilla Mujuru


Doctor of Philosophy in Education ,Christ University, India; Masters of Adult Education Degree ,University of Zimbabwe; Bachelor of Adult Education Degree , University of Zimbabwe; Diploma in Health and Adult Education (Health Promotion), University of Zimbabwe; Holds Diplomas in Midwifery, Harare Central Hospital; Operating Theatre Technique , Parirenyatwa Hospital; and State Registered Nursing, Harare Central Hospital.

Academic Appointments:


Research Interests:

Understanding Society, Safety Health and Wellness, Occupational Health, Maternal Health, Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health, Gender issues, Ethics and Etiquette, Andragogy and Development, Mixed Methods Research, Monitoring and Evaluation, Needs assessment, Advanced Workers’ Education, Educational Systems Planning for Innovative Strategies in Lifelong Learning, Designing Innovative Training Packages for Lifelong learning, Organizational Development, Strategic Change Management for Organizational Adaptation and Development Theories of Lifelong Learning.

Faculty: Social And Behavioural Sciences
Department: Community and Social Development
Research Category: Behavioral Sciences

Dr Priscila Mujuru is a Full-Time Lecturer in the Department of Community and Social Development. She is the Coordinator and Lecturer of Modules offered under the Bachelor of Science (Honours) Community Education and Lifelong Learning Degree Programme and the Master of Science – Andragogy and Development. In addition, she coordinates the University of Zimbabwe Associate Colleges – the Zimbabwe Republic Police Staff College, Domboshava Training Centre and the Zimbabwe Staff College. Dr Mujuru is a Health Promotion Specialist with major focus in Research, Health and Adult Education, Emergency Public Health, Programme Management, Gender, Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health, Communication, Behaviour Change, Counselling and HIV and AIDS prevention. She is also a qualified HIV and AIDS Systemic and Child Counsellor. Dr Mujuru has vast experience working with International United Nations Agencies – UNICEF, UNAIDS, UNFPA, International Organization for Migration (IOM) as well as working in liaison with other UN Agencies and Civil Society Organizations and Stakeholders – Local and International NGOs and the Government of Zimbabwe. Her research and development interests include Counselling, Training and Evaluation, Sexual Reproductive Health, Public Health, Workers Education and programme planning and management.

Phone: +263 772 469 738

Patented Work:

Grants & Funding (current and Past projects):

Awards & Achievements:

Consultancy and advisory work (current and past):

Dr Mujuru is a Commissioner with the Competition and Tariff Commission – a Statutory Body set up by an Act of Parliament to oversee the issues of Competition and Tariff. . Dr Mujuru is a member of the Rotary Club of Harare City (Past President) - a charitable organization which supports members of the community with books, wheelchairs and livelihoods. A member of Community Crime Prevention; A member of Shandai Community Support Organization (Community based humanitarian organization); and a member of Sacred Heart of Jesus Guild to help the less privileged members of society.

Supervision information (MPhil, DPhil, etc.):

Professional membership, Committees, Boards:

She is an external examiner with Africa leadership and Management Academy (An affiliate College of the National University of Science and Technology (NUST). Dr Mujuru is a Peer Reviewer for The University of Namibia. She is also a peer-reviewer for the International Journal of Maternal and Child Health and AIDS (IJMA).

External Profile Links (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, other social media links):

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