Dr. Tarisai Mutangi
Doctor of Laws (LLD), University of Pretoria, 2010
Master of Laws (LLM), University of Pretoria, 2005
Bachelor of Laws (LLB), University of Zimbabwe, 2003
Academic Appointments:
Senior Lecturer
Research Interests:
International Human Rights Law
Electoral Law
International Refugee Law
Law of International Organisations
Citizenship Law
Faculty: Law
Department: Legal Postgraduate Programmes
Research Category: Law
Dr. Mutangi is a Senior lecturer in the Faculty of Law at the University of Zimbabwe. He is also a law practitioner, doctor of international law and senior consultant for governments and international organisations.
Email: tmutangi@law.uz.ac.zw
Phone: +263 772 907 642
• Mutangi, T. (2021). ‘Enforcing Compliance with the Judgments of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights: Prospects and Challenges.’ In A, Adeola. Compliance with International Human Rights Law in Africa: essays on honour of Frans Viljoen;
• Mutangi, T. (2021). ‘Standard of Proof in Electoral Petitions’. In M. Mbazira (Ed.), Budding Democracy or Judicialisation Lessons from Africa’s Emerging Electoral Jurisprudence;
• Mutangi, T; Budoo, A., & J. Biegon. (2021). The Role Of The Private Sector In Transitional Justice Processes In Africa American Bar Association;
• Mutangi, T. (2021). ‘Nullification of the Election Results and the Standard of Proof: Emerging Jurisprudence in Selected Sub-Saharan Africa Countries. In C. Mbazira (ed.). Budding Democracy of Judicialisation: Lessons from Africa’s Emerging Electoral Jurisprudence;
• Mutangi, T. (2019). An overview of the African Human Rights System. In A. Moyo (ed.). Selected Aspects of the 2013 Zimbabwean Constitution and the Declaration of Rights;
• Mutangi, T. (2018). An update on compliance by Zimbabwe with decisions and judgments of international human rights judicial and quasi-judicial bodies. University of Zimbabwe Law Journal,1(1), 187-224.
• Mutangi, T. (2016). The impact of the African Charter and the Maputo Protocol in Zimbabwe, in VO Ayeni (ed) The impact of the African Charter and the Maputo Protocol in selected African states. Pretoria: Pretoria University Law Press.
• ‘Maintaining a delicate balance between religious freedom and duty to combat religion-based child marriages in Zimbabwe’ (2016). In P Coertzen et al (eds) Religious Freedom and Pluralism in Africa: Prospects and Challenges.
• Fick and Ors v Republic of Zimbabwe: A commentary on implications of SADC Community Law
(2014) 1 MSULR 83.
• Effective Enforcement of Fair Trial Judgments through Re-opening Cases on the Basis of Contrary Judgments of International Courts. (2007). In Human Rights Litigation and the Domestication of human rights standards in Sub-Saharan Africa
International Commission of Jurists (Kenyan and Swedish Sections).
• Mutangi, T (2009). Strengthening Democracy in South Africa: Fighting Xenophobia Pretoria University Law Press.
Patented Work:
Grants & Funding (current and Past projects):
University of Pretoria Grant for Study visit to Strasbourg, France, 2008.
Study visit to University of Lund, Sweden, 2017
Awards & Achievements:
LLM Cum laude (2005);
Advisory Member of the South African Law Reform Commission (2009-2014);
Commissioner serving on the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Sale of State land since 2005 (2018-2020);
Commissioner serving on the Presidential Tribunal to Inquire into the Removal of a Commissioner of the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission
Consultancy and advisory work (current and past):
Advisor to the South African Law Reform Commission (2009-2014);
Advisor to the Parliamentary Legal Committee (Parliament of Zimbabwe) (2017-2019);
• Research Report on Civic Space in Africa
Commissioned by the RF Kennedy Human Rights, May – Aug 2021.
• Critical Report on Community Land Rights And Mining Induced Displacement in Zimbabwe
Commissioned by the Zimbabwe Environmental Lawyers Association, June – Aug 2021.
• Consultancy to Research on the impact of ECOSOCC
Commissioned by Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria, 2021.
• Consultancy to Draft Zimbabwe CSO Stakeholders Submission for Zimbabwe UPR 3rd Cycle Review
Commissioned by UN Women Zimbabwe and CSOs, June – July 2021.
• Consultancy to co-ordinate the Drafting of Lesotho’s CRC Report and African Committee of Experts Periodic Report
Commissioned by the Government of Lesotho and UNICEF Lesotho, July-sept 2021.
• Consultancy to Develop the Model Law on Victims, Witnesses and Whistle-blowers Protection
Commissioned by the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, July 2021.
• A Review of Zimbabwe’s NGOs Self-Regulatory Management Legislation and Development of a Self-Regulation Model and Law
Commissioned by the National Association of Non-Governmental Organisations, May-June 2021.
• Development of the Model Law for the Legal Aid in Zimbabwe
Commissioned by the Legal Resources Foundation, June-July 2021.
• Developing Modules and conduct Training workshop on human rights investigation and reporting for the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission and to undertake an assessment of the current internal protocols in use at ZHRC
Commissioned by GIZ Zimbabwe and Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission, July 2021.
• Transitional Justice Researcher on Roles and Responsibilities of Private Sector Actors in
Transitional Justice Practices
Commissioned by the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative, 2021.
• Development of Training Manual and Modules for Training National Human Rights Institutions on Engagement with the African Union Human Rights Bodies
Commissioned by the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI), November 2020.
• Consultancy to provide technical support to Government Officials drafting the Common Core Document, ICCPR State Party Report, ESCR State Party Reports.
Commissioned by the Government of Zimbabwe and UNDP Zimbabwe, November 2020.
• Consultancy to Revise Government of Zimbabwe’s State Party Reporting Manual
Commissioned by Government of Zimbabwe and UNDP Zimbabwe, October 2020.
• Conduct a review and evaluation of Strategic Litigation Lawsuits conducted by the ZLHR
Commissioned by the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, October 2020.
• Consultancy to Conduct Capacity Needs Assessment, Develop Modules and Train Government Officials on State Party Reporting
Commissioned by UNDP Zimbabwe and Government of Zimbabwe, July 2020.
• Develop/Strengthen Existing Protection Mechanisms for Human Rights Defenders
Commissioned by the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI), May 2020.
• Consultancy Contract to prepare a Report assessing the status of child rights in Africa, 30 years since the adoption of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC).
Commissioned by the African Child Policy Forum, June 2020.
• Constitutional Legal Analysis/Research and Development of Model Bills (Languages Bill; Citizenship Bill; Witness Protection Bill; Devolution Bill and Prevention and Punishment of Torture Bill)
Commissioned by the Law Society of Zimbabwe April 2020.
• Contract to Edit for Publication the Report on National Inquiry on Access to Documentation in Zimbabwe
Commissioned by the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission, 1 – 5 April 2020.
• Research on Recognition of Paralegals and Access to Justice in Zimbabwe
Commissioned by the Legal Resources Foundation, February 2020.
• Expert to Draft Research Study on Statelessness in Zimbabwe
Commissioned by the Government of Zimbabwe and UNHCR Zimbabwe, January 2020
• Expert to Draft Zimbabwe’s UNCRPD and UNICERD State Party Reports
Commissioned by the UNDP Zimbabwe & Ministry of Justice Legal & Parliamentary Affairs (2019)
• Key Expert for Penitentiary Reform – Zimbabwe Prison & Correctional Services
Commissioned by Ministry of Justice/Quarein Consulting Group, funded by the European Union (11th European Development Fund), July 2019.
• Research and Drafting a Background Paper on the National Inquiry on Access to Identity Documents in Zimbabwe
Commissioned by the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission, 2019.
• Consultancy to conduct a Needs Assessment for the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights; East African Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States
Commissioned by the Raul Wallenberg Institute (Nairobi Office), November – December 2018.
• Consultancy to develop a Framework for Monitoring & Reporting on Implementation of Decisions of the African Commission on Human & Peoples’ Rights
Commissioned by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, June 2018.
• Consultancy to conduct Analysis of Electoral Legislation in selected SADC Countries
Commissioned by the International Commission of Jurists, Africa Programme, April 2018
• Consultancy to draft situation analysis for a funding proposal on justice delivery in Zimbabwe
Commissioned by the GIZ Addis Ababa Office, April 2018.
• Consultancy for the Evaluation of Indicator on Recommendations of the Zimbabwe Human Rights
Commissioned by GIZ Zimbabwe and Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission, March 2018
• Consultancy to Develop a Constitutional & Electoral Litigation Manual
Commissioned by the Law Society of Zimbabwe, February – April 2018
• Consultancy to conduct legislative analysis of POSA and Electoral Act
Commissioned by the Centre for Applied Legal Research (CARL), 2017
• Consultancy to Conduct a Study & Develop a Framework for Monitoring & Reporting on Implementation of Decisions of the African Court on Human & Peoples’ Rights
African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights/GFA Consulting Group/GIZ, August 2017
• Consultancy to advise the Parliamentary Legal Committee on Draft Bills (Legislative Analysis for Electoral Bill; Public Entities Corporate Governance Bill; Mines & Minerals Amendments Bill; Movable Property Security Interests Bill; Devolution Provisions of the Constitution)
Commissioned by Parliament of Zimbabwe & AfDB October 2016 – October 2017
• Contract to conduct a Trial Observation Mission to Swaziland
Commissioned by the ICJ Africa Programme/Ford Foundation, June 2014.
• Consultancy to prepare a Report on State Practice in the Nomination of Candidates to African human rights institutions
Commissioned by the Open Society Foundations (Washington DC), August 2016.
• Consultancy to Draft Position paper on aligning laws to Freedom of Assembly & Association
Commissioned by the Zimbabwe Institute, July 2016.
• Consultancy to prepare Discussion Paper on the Future of Work for women
Commissioned by the ILO Zimbabwe and Namibia Country Office, June 2016.
• Consultancy to develop a Witness & Victims Protection Bill
Commissioned by the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum/ZHRC, June 2016.
• Consultancy to assess the capacity of MPs in Human Rights and Rule of Law
Commissioned by the Parliament of Zimbabwe and UNDP Zimbabwe, May 2016.
• Consultancy to develop a Guidebook for Prosecutors in Zimbabwe
Commissioned by the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ Africa Programme), January 2016.
• Consultancy to Draft a Legal Opinion on the Declassification and Decriminalisation of Petty Offences in Africa
Commissioned by the Pan-African Lawyers Union (PALU) January 2016.
• Consultancy to draft a Local Government Bills
Commissioned by the Law Society of Zimbabwe, January 2015.
• Consultancy to draft a Strategic Litigation Advocacy Tool against Female Genital Mutilation & Child Marriages in West and Southern Africa.
Commissioned by Equality Now (Kenya) 2015.
• Consultancy to prepare a Report on Freedom of Artistic Expression and Censorship in Zimbabwe
Commissioned by Nhimbe Trust (2015).
• Consultancy to develop a write up on Public Leadership & Governance for the Civil Society Economic Blue Print
Commissioned by the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition (2015).
• Consultancy to develop a Draft Bill on the Revision and Reform of the Criminal Code in line with Right to Fair Trial in the 2013 Constitution of Zimbabwe
Commissioned by the Law Society of Zimbabwe (2015).
• Consultancy to draft & content edit policy papers on Torture, Birth registration & Freedom of Assembly and Association in Zimbabwe
Commissioned by the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (2015).
• Consultancy to Prepare a Position Paper on the Alignment of Access to Justice Laws with the 2013 Constitution of Zimbabwe.
Commissioned by the Ministry of Justice and UNDP Zimbabwe (2014).
• Consultancy to carry out a Baseline Survey on Perceptions, Attitudes and Understanding of Human Rights in Zimbabwe.
Commissioned by the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (2014 – 2015).
• Consultancy to prepare a State Reporting Programme and Train Members of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (IMC)
Commissioned by Ministry of Justice and UNDP Zimbabwe (2014).
• Consultancy to draft a litigation manual for lawyers and magistrates in Zimbabwe
Commissioned by the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (2014 - 2015).
• Advisory Committee Member- South Africa Law Reform Commission
Reviewing South African legislation for redundancy, obsoleteness and conformity with Section 9 of the South African Constitution (2009 – 2015).
• Consultancy to draft a Trial Observation Manual
Commissioned by Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (2014).
• Consultancy to conduct a Trial Observation of Thulani Maseko’s Trial – Swaziland
Commissioned by the International Commission of Jurists & Freedom House (2014).
• Baseline Survey on “Perceptions, Attitudes and Understanding: A Baseline survey on Human Rights in Zimbabwe”
Commissioned by the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission & UNDP December 2013 – 2014.
• Consultancy on Assessment of Access to Justice in Zimbabwe
Commissioned by the International Commission of Jurists (2014).
• Consultancy on Developing National Ratification and Domestication Strategy for Zimbabwe
Commissioned by UNDP Zimbabwe and Ministry of Justice & Legal Affairs (2013).
• Consultancy to facilitate workshop on developing National Plan of Action for Zimbabwe’s Universal Periodic Report
Commissioned by UNDP and the Ministry of Justice & Legal Affairs (2012)
• Consultancy to carry out a Baseline Survey on the Capacity of MPs in Human Rights and Rule of Law
Commissioned by the Parliament of Zimbabwe and UNDP Zimbabwe (2011).
• Trans-national organised crime and Trafficking in Persons Consultant
Commissioned by ICJ Kenya to provide legal opinions, develop a tool kit on trafficking in persons and reviewing remedies available to victims of such crimes (January 2007 to December 2009).
• African Human Rights Expert Consultant on the drafting of the ASEAN Human Rights Commission Rules of Procedure
Commissioned by the American Bar Association Rule of Law Institute, Bangkok, Thailand (February to March 2010).
• Legal Researching Consultant: Developing a Human Rights Violation Glossary for the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights Field Work
Commissioned to the Centre for Human Rights by the UNHCHR (May 2010).
• Consultant on Access to Justice and Human Rights in Domestic Legal Orders (2006 – 2010)
Preparing legal opinions on behalf of the International Commission of Jurists (human rights litigation).
• Consultant on Human Rights Litigation in Africa (2006 – 2010)
Prepared legal opinions on behalf of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights under auspices of the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria (human rights litigation).
• Consultant on Refugee Law in Zimbabwe (2007)
Commissioned by TRP Solicitors - United Kingdom (refugee law).
• Legal Researcher and Consultant - Strengthening Democracy in South Africa: Fighting Xenophobia
Assessing the international and national legal framework to see if there are obligations arising in respect of migration and xenophobia.
• Legal Counsel in Children Affected by the War in Northern Uganda v Uganda
The case on child rights before the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, African Union, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
• Human Rights Training Consultant: International Law in Domestic Courts
- Developing curriculum and Training of SADC human rights lawyers on the application of international law in domestic courts, commissioned by the Oxford University (September 2010).
Supervision information (MPhil, DPhil, etc.):
Professional membership, Committees, Boards:
Law Society of Zimbabwe;
African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights;
Board Member, Vineyard Life Assurance Company (Pvt) Ltd.
External Profile Links (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, other social media links):