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Dr. J. D. McClymont


DTh (UNISA), MTh (UNISA), MPhil Classics (UZ), BA 4th year Honours Classics (UZ), Hons BTh (UNISA), BTh (UNISA)

Academic Appointments:

Senior Lecturer at the department of Religious Studies, Classics & Philosophy at the University of Zimbabwe

Research Interests:

Mythology, Classical Philosophy, Religion, Languages.

Classical Languages
Language Construction
Mythology and Folklore
Philosophy (esp. Classical Philosophy and the Presuppositions of Classical Study)
Religion and Theology

Faculty: Arts and Humanities
Department: Religious Studies
Research Category: Arts

Dr. J D McClymont is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy Religion and Ethics and has been working at the University of Zimbabwe since 2002 to the present. He has been a lecturer in Classical subjects, particularly Classical languages, Classical mythology, and Classical philosophy, and has taught on Christianity in the Ancient World. One of his research interests is the philosophical presuppositions of Classical study, particularly in an African context.

Phone: +263242303211

1. Editorship of A Brief History of the Department of Religious Studies, Classics and Philosophy (UZ, 2005) prepared by O.B. Mlambo and M. Moyo, 20pp.
2. Article: “Justice Begins at Grass Roots Level”, Mukai/Vukani (Jesuit Journal for Zimbabwe), No. 33 August 2005, Jesuit Communications Office (Zimbabwe Jesuit Province), pp. 16-7.
3. Article: “The Character of Circe in the Odyssey,” Akroterion Vol. 53 2008, University of Stellenbosch, pp. 21-29.
4. Article: “Reading Between the Lines: Aristotle's Views on Religion,” Acta Classica Vol. 53 2010, Classical Association of South Africa, pp. 33-48.
5. Article: “The Basic Underlying Principles of the Encheiridion of Arrian”, Nigeria and the Classics Vol 28 2013/14, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, pp. 1-16.
6. Book Chapter: “Tradition and Objectivity”, Philosophy in African Traditional Cultures: Zimbabwean Philosophical Studies II (Washington DC: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2015) edited by F. Mangena, T.A. Chimuka and F. Mabiri, pp. 11-23.
7. Book Chapter co-written with O.B. Mlambo: “African Values and the Modern City: Threats and Benefits”, Africa’s Intangible Heritage and Land: Emerging Perspectives (Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications, 2016) edited by R. Magosvongwe, O.B. Mlambo and E. Ndlovu, pp. 112-120.
8. Article co-written with O.B. Mlambo and E. Zvoma: “Land, Political Power and Violence in Republican Rome and Contemporary Zimbabwe: A Comparative View”, Africology: The Journal of Pan-African Studies, Volume 11, Number 1, December 2017, published by Itibari M. Zulu, pp.153-178.
9. Book Chapter: “Some Misconceptions about Culture: Views from a Zimbabwean Classical Thinker”, Philosophy, Race and Multiculturalism in Southern Africa: Zimbabwean Philosophical Studies III (Washington DC: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2018) edited by F. Mangena and J.D. McClymont, pp. 233-250.
10. Book co-edited with F. Mangena, Philosophy, Race and Multiculturalism in Southern Africa: Zimbabwean Philosophical Studies III (Washington DC: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2018), 296pp.

Patented Work:

Grants & Funding (current and Past projects):

Awards & Achievements:

Consultancy and advisory work (current and past):

Supervision information (MPhil, DPhil, etc.):



Moyo, “: A Commentary on the Language of Intrigue in the Slave Dialogues of Plautus’ Miles Gloriosus,” 2007.


O.B. Mlambo, “Sine Ira et Studio: Revisiting Cornelius Tacitus’ Portrayal of the Emperor Tiberius Nero,” 2007.

Sigauke, “Women, Magic and Witchcraft in the Ancient World: A Study of Apuleius’ Golden Ass,” 2012.


Sr. G. C. Gowo, “Educational Charter for the Little Children of our Blessed Lady Religious Order (LCBL),” 2009.


Chimuka, “The Exclusion of the African Contribution to the Conceptual Development of Reality, Appearance and Knowledge in the History of Philosophy,” 2012.


Rev. T.L. Mawire, “Comrades or At Variance? A Historical and Theological Analysis of the African Apostolic Church vis a vis the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe,” 2012.

O.B. Mlambo, “The Dialectics of Land Redistribution in the Late Roman Republic and Contemporary Zimbabwe (2000-2008),” 2013.

Chamburuka, “The Role and Centrality of New Testament Pneumatologies in the Apostolic Faith Mission in Zimbabwe,” 2018.
Professional membership

Professional membership, Committees, Boards:

Have been a member of the Philosophical Society of Zimbabwe.

External Profile Links (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, other social media links):

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