Researcher Profiles

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Ms. Lickel Ndebele


PhD candidate, MA African language and literature (UZ), BA Hons. Ndebele (UZ)

Academic Appointments:

Lecturer department of African Languages and Literature

Research Interests:

Oral literature, African philosophy and cultural studies

Faculty: Arts and Humanities
Department: Languages Literature and Culture
Research Category: Arts

Lecturer department of African Languages

Phone: +263242303211

A philosophical analysis of the nexus between conceptions of time and Worldview:The Ndebele/Shona example. Global Journal of Human Social Sciences (USA) 2013.Volume 13 issue 6 p21-28.
Matambirofa, F. (2013) “The Folktale: A Description of Language, Imagery and Mnemonics in Children’s Ngano in Traditional Shona Society” in Journal of Children’s Literature, (1)1, pp50-61.

Patented Work:

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