Researcher Profiles

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Eng. Prudence Kadebu


Master of Technology in Software Engineering, Delhi Technological University, 2014

Academic Appointments:


Research Interests:

Software Quality Assurance
Software Security Engineering
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Faculty: Computer Engineering Informatics and Communications
Department: Computer Engineering
Research Category: Computer Science

Engineer Kadebu is a Lecturer in the Computer Engineering Department. She has vast experience in lecturing at various levels, team leading, Project Supervision, Research, Curriculum Development and Mentorship. She holds a Master of Technology in Software Engineering 2014 (DTU-India) and a Bachelor of Science (Hons) Computer Science 2006 (MSU, Zimbabwe). Currently, she is a PhD candidate in Computer Science and Engineering (From 2017) (Amity University Gurgaon, India), researching in Software Quality Assurance, Security Engineering and Machine Learning. She has 10 years university teaching experience in Computer Science and Software Engineering. Prudence is a member of IEEE, ACM Special Interest Group on High Performance Computing (SIGHPC), ISOC, FAWEZI (Harare Chapter), ZICT, OWSD. She is a recipient of the 2018 STEMFem Network award for ‘Women leading in advancing ICT education’, and also a 2018 Techwomen Fellow (U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs).

Phone: +263-242303211 Ext. 15073

1. Kadebu, P., Zvarevashe, K., Mukwazvure, A, Mukora, F.4, Gotora, T. & Mapanga, I. (2020, December). Towards Cyber Security: An Evaluation of methods for Malware Analysis. Paper presented at the 2nd African International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Harare, Zimbabwe.

2. Zvarevashe, K., Kadebu, P., Mukwazvure, A., Mukora, F. & Gotora, T. (2020, December). Majority voting ensemble learning for intrusion detection using recursive feature elimination. Paper presented at the 2nd African International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Harare, Zimbabwe.

3. Kadebu, P., Thada, V, & Chiurunge, P. (2018, October). Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning Towards Security Requirements Classification. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I), Gurgaon, India, , pp. 135-140, doi: 10.1109/IC3I44769.2018.9007300.

4. Kadebu, P., Thada, V, & Chiurunge, P (2018, October). Security Requirements Extraction and Classification: A Survey. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I), Gurgaon, India, pp. 129-134, doi: 10.1109/IC3I44769.2018.9007263.

5. Mutiwokuziva, M. T., Chanda, M. W., Kadebu, P., Mukwazvure, A. &Gotora, T. (2017, October). A neural-network based chat bot. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES), Coimbatore, India. DOI: 10.1109/CESYS.2017.8321268

6. Mapanga, I., Kumar, V., Makondo W., Khushboo,T., Kadebu, P. Wadzanayi Chanda, W. (2017, May/ June). Design and Implementation of an Intrusion Detection System using MLP-NN for MANET. Paper presented at IST-Africa Week Conference, Windhoel, Namibia. DOI: 10.23919/ISTAFRICA.2017.8102283

7. Makondo, W., Nallanthighal, R., Mapanga, I & Kadebu, P. (2016, October). Exploratory Test Oracle using Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network. Paper presented at the Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) conference, India,

Patented Work:

Grants & Funding (current and Past projects):

2018 United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Techwomen Seed Grand for Vheneka/KhanyisaRe-usable Sanitary wear pilot project implementation

Awards & Achievements:

2018 Techwomen Fellow (U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs)
2018 STEMFem Network award for ‘Women leading in advancing ICT education’

Best Paper in the Machine Learning Session at the National Virtual Conference on Advancements & Modern Innovations in Engineering and Technology (AMIET-2020) Amity University Haryana (AUH) India
“A Technical Evaluation ofMachine Learning and Deep Learning Methods for NaturalLanguage Processing in Security Requirements Classification”, Proceedings ofAMIET-2020, ISBN 978-93-5407-803-3, 15 September, 2020.

Remote Energy (USA) Scholarship for a virtual training on Women Only - Solar PV Direct Systems, Solar PV DC System Fundamentals May-June 2021
For WISEe Zimbabwe Solar project aimed at bringing solar power to remote schools to extend equal access to ICT education

Consultancy and advisory work (current and past):

2021 UZ Systems Security Audit
RIPTech Consultancy Services - Software Lead
Institute of Digital Forensics Zimbabwe (IDFZ) Council Advisory Board Member
Women In Solar Energy and Entrepreneurship (WISEe Zimbabwe)

Supervision information (MPhil, DPhil, etc.):

Professional membership, Committees, Boards:

UZ Quality Assurance Faculty Representative
UZ Library, Publications and Knowledge Management Committee Member
ZICT a division of ZIE (Treasurer)
Forum for African Women Educationalists Zimbabwe -FAWEZI (Harare Chapter) Vice-Secretary
Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD)
Women In Engineering
Vheneka/Khanyisa Trustee
Violet Foundation Board Member

External Profile Links (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, other social media links): › prudence-kadebu-12304032

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