Researcher Profiles

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Prof. T. E Halimani


BSc, MPhil, PhD

Academic Appointments:

Research Interests:

Population genetics, Conservation of farm animal genetic resources

Faculty: Agriculture Environment And Food Systems
Research Category: Environment & Agriculture


1. Halimani T. E., Muchadeyi F.C., Chimonyo M. and Dzama K., 2012. Opportunities for conservation and utilisation of local pig breeds in low-input production systems in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Tropical Animal Health and Production; Available at DOI .
2. Missanjo E. M., Imbayarwo-Chikosi V. E. and Halimani T. E., 2012. Genetic trends production and somatic cell count for Jersey cattle in Zimbabwe born from 1994 to 2005. Tropical Animal Health and Production. Available DOI 10.1007/s11250-012-0157-6
3. Missanjo E. M., Imbayarwo-Chikosi V. E. and Halimani T. E., 2011. Environmental factors affecting milk, fat and protein yields in Jersey cattle in Zimbabwe. Tropical Animal Health and Production Available: DOI 10.1007/s11250-010-9750-8
4. Halimani T. E., Muchadeyi F.C., Chimonyo M. and Dzama K., 2010. Pig genetic resource conservation: The Southern African perspective. Ecological Economics, 69(5): 944-951, Available; Accessed April 25, 2010.
5. B.J. Mtileni, Muchadeyi F.C., Maiwashe A., Phitsane P.M., Halimani T.E., Chimonyo M. and Dzama K., 2009. Characterisation of production systems for indigenous chicken genetic resources of South Africa. Applied Animal Husbandry and Rural Development 2: 18-22.
6. Chiduwa G., Chimonyo M., Halimani T. E., Chisambara S. R. and Dzama K., 2008. Herd dynamics and contribution of indigenous pigs to the livelihoods of rural farmers in a semi-arid area of Zimbabwe. Tropical Animal Health and Production 40: 125-136.
7. Halimani T. E., Ndlovu L. R., Dzama K., Chimonyo M. and Miller B. G., 2007. Growth performance of pigs fed on diets containing Acacia karroo, Acacia nilotica and Colophospermum mopane leaf meals. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 19, Article #187. Retrieved December 30, 2007, from
8. Chikwanha O. C., Halimani T. E., Chimonyo M., Dzama K. and Bhebhe E., 2007. Seasonal changes in body condition scores of pigs and chemical composition of pig feed resources in a semiarid smallholder farming area of Zimbabwe. African Journal of Agricultural Research 2 (9): 468-474.
9. Motsi P., Sakuhuni C., Halimani T. E., Bhebhe E., Ndiweni P. N. B., Chimonyo M., 2006. Influence of parity, birth order, litter size and birth weight on duration of farrowing and birth intervals in commercial exotic sows in Zimbabwe. Animal Science 82: 569-574.
10. Halimani T. E., Ndlovu L. R., Dzama K, Chimonyo M., Miller B. G., 2005. Metabolic response of pigs supplemented with incremental levels of leguminous Acacia karroo, Acacia nilotica and Colophospermum mopane leaf meals. Animal Science 81: 39-45.

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