Dr. Tichaona Zivengwa
1. BSc Honours Degree in Economics (UZ, 2002)
2. MSc Degree in Economics (UZ, 2005)
3. Dphil in Development Economics (UZ, 2023)
Academic Appointments:
Research Interests:
Economic growth and development
Faculty: Business Management Sciences And Economics
Department: Economics and Development
Research Category: Economics
Tichaona Zivengwa is a lecturer in the Economics department (UZ) teaching Mathematics for Economists, an Intermediate Macroeconomics at undergraduate level and Mathematical Techniques for Economists and Macroeconomic Theory at post graduate level. He joined the department as a full time lecturer in December 2006. He is also a researcher on macroeconomic problems specialising on development issues. Before joining the University of Zimbabwe’s Economics Department, Tichaona worked for Rural Electrification Agency (REA) and he contributed immensely to the organization’s thrust on Electricity-End-Use Infrastructure Development (EEUID). Tichaona holds a BSc, an MSc degree in Economics and a DPhil in Development Economics from the University of Zimbabwe. His research interests include institutions, poverty, growth, investment and income inequality at both macro and micro level. Tichaona gained a lot of experience in working with both time series and cross sectional data. Among the numerous researches done by Tichaona, includes; Electricity end use infrastructure development in Zimbabwe, A research done for REA and sponsored by WAPCOS of India (2005-2006); National budget analysis for more than fifteen years (2009-2024); The Economics of Biofuels in Zimbabwe; A World Bank Country Study; April 2012; An Assessment of the rail sector in Zimbabwe: Impact on competitiveness: Sponsored by the Danish Industries; Mobile Microinsurance survey in Zimbabwe: Sponsored by CENFRI (2013); Local Export Manufacturing survey in Zimbabwe: Sponsored by ZIMTRADE (2013); Post Election Economic Analysis: A Paper Done for Global Fund to Fight Tuberculosis, Aids and Malaria (2013); Economic, political and health environmental analysis for Zimbabwe: A Paper for the Global Fund (2014) and Sensitivity Analysis for the Harare City Council Business Licensing Fees Revenue Sensitivity Analysis: Sponsored by USAID SERA (2016). Tichaona also provides consultancy services to Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI) on manufacturing and business surveys; Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) on monetary and fiscal policy analysis and LEDRIZ on labor market consultancy work. Currently he is participating in the following projects:
1. National Broad-Based Women Economic Empowerment framework (NBBWEEF) for the ministry of Women Affairs Community, Small and Medium Enterprise Development (MWACSMED) funded by the African Development Bank with technical support from International Labour Organisation (ILO) and UNWomen. This project is administered through the University of Zimbabwe.
2. Local Economic Development (LED) in Zimbabwe: Mapping the provincial Comparative Advantage for Socioeconomic Transformation. The project is funded by the University of Zimbabwe.
Email: tzivengwa@sociol.uz.ac.zw
Phone: 0772309177 / 0718463948
1. Zivengwa, T. Mashika, J. and Bokosi, K.F. (2011). Stock Market Development and Economic Growth in Zimbabwe, International Journal of Economics and Finance, Candian Center of Science and Education; ISSN 1916-971X (Print), 1916-9728 (Online); Vol 3, Issue No. 5. Pages: 140-150,.
2. Zivengwa, T. and Hazvina F. (2010). Mapping an ideal currency regime for Zimbabwe; Journal of Strategic Studies, ISSN 2076-6645; Vol 1, Issue 1: 1-15.
3. Hazvina F. Zivengwa, T. and Makochekanwa, A. (2010). Zimbabwe: The 11th Province of South Africa-From one Form of Domination to Another: A Horse Rider Relationship, Journal of Strategic Studies, 1SSN 2076-6645; Vol 1, Issue 1: 81-102.
4. Zivengwa, T(2011). Financial Sector Development and Economic Growth in Zimbabwe, Lambert Academic Publishing, German, ISBN No. 978-3-8443-2925-4.
5. Zivengwa T.; Hazvina F. and Maphosa N (2011): Dollarisation, education and gender disparities; A case study of the faculty of Social Studies, University of Zimbabwe; Zimbabwe Journal of Education Resources, University of Zimbabwe Publications; ISSN 1013-3445; Vol 23 (3): pages: 204-221.
6. Zivengwa, T, Sakutukwa T and Hazvina F (2008); Financial sector deepening sophistication and growth nexus, ZAMBEZIA, University of Zimbabwe Publications; ISSN 0379-0622; Vol 35 (1), pages: 67-85.
7. Zivengwa T.; Ndedzu D.; Hazvina F.; and Mavesere I.M (2013): Investigation the causality between education and economic growth in Zimbabwe. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies (ISSN: 2321 - 2799); Vol 1(5), pages: 399-410.
8. Ndedzu, D., Macheka, A., Mavesere, M., and Zivengwa, T., (2013). Revenue productivity of Zimbabwe’s tax system: Asian Journal of Sciences and Humanities, ISSN: 2186-8492 (Online), ISSN: 2186-8484 Print; Volume 2 (4): 144-150
9. Zivengwa, T and Karonga R, M.(2018). Monetary Economics Module, ZOU.
10. Zivengwa, T. (2017) The role of institutions in promoting foreign direct investment in selected SADC countries, University of Zimbabwe, Business Review, Vol 5, Issue No. 2.
11. Zivengwa, T; Mumvuma, T and Kadenge, P. (2019) The role of institutions in promoting economic growth in selected SADC countries, ZAMBEZIA, Vol 46.
12. Dube C and Zivengwa T (2022): Assessing decent employment creation strategies and programmes being implemented in Zimbabwe and implications for poverty reduction, stability and sustainability, Labour and Economic Development Research Institute of Zimbabwe (LEDRIZ).
Patented Work:
Grants & Funding (current and Past projects):
The NBBWEEF is funded by the African Development Bank
Awards & Achievements:
Consultancy and advisory work (current and past):
Supervision information (MPhil, DPhil, etc.):
Professional membership, Committees, Boards:
A member of the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Network ; A member of the Zimbabwe Economic Society
External Profile Links (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, other social media links):