Mr. Forbes Makudza
PCGD Graphics Designing (MAZ), BBS Marketing (BUSE), MSc Marketing (NUST), Chartered Marketer (MAZ), DPhil (Work in progress)
Academic Appointments:
Research Interests:
Digital Marketing, Social commerce, Entrepreneurship and Marketing strategy
Faculty: Business Management Sciences And Economics
Department: Business Enterprise and Management
Research Category: Business Studies
Phone: 263777650623
1. Makudza, F., Makwara, T., Masaire, R. F., Dangaiso, P., Sibanda, L. (2024). Driving entrepreneurship through gender-moderated entrepreneurial mindset among tertiary students. Cogent Education, Taylor and Francis 11(1), (SCOPUS)
2. Makudza, F., Masaire, R., Makwara, T., Sibanda, K. (2024). Modelling mobile advertising, consumer response and mobile shopping behaviour. A post COVID-19 pandemic perspective. Cogent Business & Management, Taylor and Francis, 11(1), (SCOPUS)
3. Dangaiso, P., Mukucha, P., Makudza, F., Jaravaza, D. (2024). Examining the interplay of internet banking service quality, e-satisfaction, e-word of mouth and e-retention: a post pandemic customer perspective. Cogent Social Sciences, Taylor and Francis, 10(1), (SCOPUS)
4. Jaravaza, D.C., Makudza, F., Mandongwe, L., Muparangi, S., Machaka, T. (2023). Women entrepreneurship in marginalised communities: Does culture, Ubuntu, religiosity and ancestral relevance matter? Community Development, Taylor and Francis 1-21, (SCOPUS)
5. Motsi, A., Gumbe, S., Muzondo, N., Makudza, F. (2024). An innovative leadership model of service delivery in urban local authorities. Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 19(1), 54-69. (SCOPUS).
6. Makudza, F., Jaravaza, D.C., Govha, T., Mukucha, P., & Saruchera, F. (2023). Enhancing supply chain agility through e-procurement in a volatile frontier market. The Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management 17(1):1-12. (SCOPUS).
7. Dangaiso, P., Makudza, F., Tshuma, S., Hogo, H., Mpondwe, N., Masona, C., ... & Tagwirei, D. (2023). Can social marketing undo the COVID-19 infodemic? Predicting consumer preventive health behavior in the marginalized communities in Zimbabwe. Cogent Public Health, 10(1), 2234599. (Taylor and Francis, SCOPUS).
8. Dangaiso, P., Makudza, F., Jaravaza, D. C., Kusvabadika, J., Makiwa, N., & Gwatinyanya, C. (2023). Evaluating the impact of quality antecedents on university students’ e-learning continuance intentions: A post-COVID-19 perspective. Cogent Education, 10(1), 2222654. (Taylor and Francis, SCOPUS).
9. Muparangi, S., & Makudza, F. (2023). Harnessing psychological capital to augment employee engagement in the micro-finance SME sector. Management of Sustainable Development, 15(1). (DOAJ)
10. Dangaiso, P., & Makudza, F. (2022). The Influence of Electronic Learning Service Quality on Student Satisfaction. Evidence From Zimbabwean Public Universities. Social Sciences and Education Research Review, 9(2), 148-158. (DOAJ)
11. Makudza, F., Masengu, R., & Mandongwe, L. (2022). The digital financial inclusion of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) of the COMESA region into electronic business during and post the Covid-19 pandemic. International Telecommunication Union.
12. Dangaiso, P., Makudza, F., & Hogo, H. (2022). Modelling perceived e-learning service quality, student satisfaction and loyalty. A higher education perspective. Cogent Education (Taylor and Francis), 9(1), 2145805 (SCOPUS)
13. Mukucha, P., Jaravaza, D. C., & Makudza, F. (2022). Modelling Customer Loyalty Intentions, Food Quality and Demographic Moderators in Subsistence Markets. Business Excellence and Management, 12(3), 40-59. (DOAJ)
14. Makudza, F. (2022). Service with a Smile: The Differential Effects of Emotional Labor on Boundary Spanners in the Banking Industry. Services Marketing Quarterly, [Taylor and Francis, SCOPUS].
15. Muparangi, S., Makudza, F., & Makandwa, G. (2022). Entrepreneurial education: A panacea to formalisation of the informal sector. Management of Sustainable Development Journal, 14(2), 11-16, (DOAJ)
16. Mukucha, P., Jaravaza, D.C., & Makudza, F. (2022). Towards gender-based market segmentation: The differential influence of gender on dining experiences in the university cafeteria industry. Management and Economics Review, 7(7). (DOAJ)
17. Makudza, F., Sandada, M., & Madzikanda, D. D. (2022). Modelling social commerce buying behaviour: an adaption of the sequential consumer decision making model. Management Research and Practice, 14(1), 17-29. (Web of Science).
18. Makudza, F., Sandada, M., Madzikanda, D. (2021). Augmenting social commerce acceptance through an all-inclusive approach to social commerce drivers. evidence from the hotel industry. Malaysian E Commerce Journal. 5(2), (DOAJ)
19. Makudza, F., Tasara, G., & Muridzi, G. (2021) Plummeting consumers' brand switching behaviour using a holistic product strategy in the Zimbabwean cola industry. Business Excellence and Management Journal. 11(3), 103-120. (DOAJ)
20. Muparangi, S., Makudza, F. (2020). Innovation: The driving force for entrepreneurial performance among small, informal businesses. Sustainable Business and Society in Emerging Economies. (DOAJ)
21. Makudza, F., Mugarisanwa, P., & Siziba, S. (2020). The effect of social media on consumer purchase behaviour in the mobile telephony industry in Zimbabwe. Dutch Journal of Finance and Management, 4(3), 17-28.
22. Makudza, F. (2021). Augmenting customer loyalty through customer experience management in the banking industry. Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (Emerald Insight), 28(3), 191-203. [Emerald Insight, SCOPUS].
23. Marandu, E., Makudza, F., & Ngwenya., S (2019). Predicting Students intention and actual use of e-learning using the technology acceptance model: A Case from Zimbabwe. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18(6) pp. 110-127. [SCOPUS].
Patented Work:
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Supervision information (MPhil, DPhil, etc.):
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External Profile Links (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, other social media links):
*Google scholar ID:*
*Researchgate ID:*
*ORCID ID:* 0000-0003-2559-5576
*Scopus ID:* 57209976436