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Prof. Tatira Liveson


He holds a PhD in Literature (Shona) from the University of Zimbabwe and another PhD in Arts (Onomastics) from Atlantic International University.

Academic Appointments:

Senior lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe, where he has been teaching in the Languages and Arts Education department, formerly Curriculum and Arts Education department for more than two decades

Research Interests:

Onomastics, Literature, Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Folklore and Education

Faculty: Education
Department: Languages and Arts Education
Research Category: Education

He has published in Folklore, Literature, Education and Indigenous Knowledge Systems. He is also a published Shona poet. He is married to Shamiso and both are blessed with two adult children, Herbert and Cephas.


Taringa, B, Nyawaranda, V and Tatira, L. “Re-Writing the Feminine Script: An Exploration of Women with Wings in ChiShona Literature Prescribed for Ordinary Level pupils” In Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, Volume 31 Number 1 March 2019, pp1-13.

Tatira, L. “The Shona proverbs as resource for Reconciliation” In Chitando, E. et al (2019). National Healing, Integration and Reconciliation in Zimbawe. London: Routledge, pp110-119.

Tatira, L. “Proverbs and the Concept of Development” In Amanze, J.N. et al (2019). Religion and Development in Southern and Central Africa. Malawi: Mzuni Press, pp 233-244.
Tatira, L. “Perseverance, Humility. Kindness and Tolerance: Some of the core Ubuntu values in the Shona Folklore in Machingura, F (Ed) (2018). The Intersection of Ubuntu, Education and Ethics in Zimbabwe, Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications 10pp.
Tatira, L. “The Shona Concept of marriage with special reference to procreation and fertility” In Southern African Journal of Languages, volume 36, Issue 1, 2016, pp123-127.
 Tatira, L “The Role of Indigenous Shona Cultural Beliefs and Practices in the Conservation of the Environment” in Mawere, M and Awuah-Nyamekye, S (eds.) Between Rhetoric and Reality: The State and Use of Indigenous Knowledge in Post-Colonial Africa. Cameroon: Research and Publishing Common Initiative Group, 2015.

 Tatira, L “Depiction of Polygamous Marriage in Selected Pre-colonial Shona Narratives.” In Mawere, M. and Kwasi-Nyamekye, A. Harnessing Cultural Capital for Sustainability: A Pan Africanist Perspective.Cameroon: Research and Publishing Common Initiative Group, 2015.

Tatira, L. “Denoting HIV/AIDS: The Language of Stigma in Shona Language.” In Mugari, V. Mukaro, L. and Chabata, E. (Ed). (2015). Current Trends in Zimbabwean Linguistics: A Festschrift for Chief Kumbirai Mukanganwi. Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications, pp173-181.

 Tatira, L “Beyond The Shona Names: Perspectives and Insights” In Africana, vol.7 No.1, June/July 2014.

 Tatira, L “Traditional Games of Shona Children” In The Journal of Pan African Studies,vol.7, no4, October 2014.

 Tatira, L “Shona Belief System: Finding Relevancy for a New Generation” in the Journal of Pan African Studies,, March, 2014, pp 106-118.

 Tatira, L “The Teachers’ Records” in Tatira (ed) Becoming an Effective Teacher, Harare, Benaby Publishers,2014.

 Busari, O, Tatira, L and Madzudzo, A “Teaching Science Through the Mother-Tongue: A Case Study of Two Schools in Zimbabwe” in the Journal of Linguistics and Language in Education, volume 8 number 2 (2014).
 Tatira, L “Employing Group Method as a Way of Teaching: A Continuation of What Obtains in Society” International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, January 2013, vol2 no1. ISSN: 2226-6348, pp298-308.

 Tatira, L “Some Aspects of Ubuntu/Unhu as encapsulated in Zviera (Taboos)” in Mapara, J. and Mudzanire, B. (2013) Ubuntu/Unhu Philosophy: A brief Shona Perspective. Harare, Bhabhu Books.
Taira, L and Marevesa, T. “The global political agreement (GPA) and the persistent political conflict arising therefrom: Is this another manifestation of the council of Jerusalem? In The Journal of African Studies and Development Vol. 3(10), pp 187-191, November, 2011.
Published 8 Shona poems in Mutakunanzva weNhetembo, Gweru, with Booklove Publishers, 2011
Tatira, L, Manyarara, B, Sithole, N and Gora, R “ An Experimental Study into the use of Computers for Teaching of English Composition Writing in English at Prince Edward School in Harare” in Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research Volume 21 Number 1, 2009
Tatira, L “Kupfuma Kwayo Shona” a poem in Jakwara reNhetembo, Gweru, Mambo Press, 2008
Tatira, L “Ukama, Zvitendero neTsika dzaVaShona” a Chapter in Magwa and Makadho (2007)(eds) Uvaranomwe hwaVaShona, Gweru, Mambo Press
Tatira, L “Shona Folktales: Towards a Developmental Interpretation” in Southern African Journal for Folklore Studies, Volume 15 (1) 2005, South Africa.
Tatira, L “Beyond the Dog’s Name: A Silent Dialogue Among the Shona People” in Journal of Folklore Research (41,1) , January-April, 2004, Indiana University, USA.
Tatira, L “Proverbs in Zimbabwean Advertisements” in Journal of Folklore Research Volume 38, no 3 Sept-Dec 2000, Indiana University, USA.

Tatira, L “The role of Zviera in Socialisation” in Chiome E.M et al (2000). Indigenous Knowledge and Technology in African and Diasporan Communities. Mond Press, Harare.

Tatira, L “Proverbs in Zimbabwean Advertisements” in Journal of Folklore Research Volume 38, no 3 Sept-Dec 2000, Indiana University, USA.

Tatira, L “The role of Zviera in Socialisation” in Chiome E.M et al (2000). Indigenous Knowledge and Technology in African and Diasporan Communities. Mond Press, Harare.
Published Books

Tatira, L. (2000). Zviera ZvaVaShona. Gweru: Gweru. *NB The book title means Shona taboos.

Tatira, L. (2016). (ed) Becoming an Effective Teacher. Harare: Benaby Publishers.

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