Dr. Godfrey Museka
BA Honours Religious Studies(UZ-1999), MA Religious Studies (UZ-2001), DPHIL (UZ-2018)
Academic Appointments:
Lecturer-Great Zimbabwe University (2006-2009) Lecturer-University of Zimbabwe (2009 to present) Lecturer (Part time)-Catholic University in Zimbabwe Chairperson-Department of Languages and Arts Education (2020 to present)
Research Interests:
Religion, health and wellbeing, Religion and politics, Religion, gender and sexuality, Religion and vulnerable groups, Pedagogics of religion and ethics
Faculty: Education
Department: Languages and Arts Education
Research Category: Education
Email: godiemuseka@gmail.com
Phone: 0773 053838
Godfrey Museka, (2019). Towards the implementation of a multifaith approach in religious education: a phenomenological guide. Religious Education, 114(2):130-142.
2. Morrin Phiri, Manasa M Madondo and Godfrey Museka. (2018). Like water off a duck’s back: interrogating the mentoring practices in the University of Zimbabwe post-graduate teacher training programme. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, 30(3):355-371.
3. Manyonganise, M., Machingura, F., and Museka, G. (2018). Zimbabwe’s new constitution: reactions and reflections from the ecumenical movement in Zimbabwe. Journal of Interdisciplinary Academic Research (JIAR), 1(1):1-9.
4. Godfrey Museka. (2017). Female and child ‘husbands’: rituals as HIV escape routes. Cultural Dynamics-Sage, 29(4):291-305.
5. Francis Machingura and Godfrey Museka. (2016). Blood as the seat of life: the blood paradox among Afro-Christians. Perichoresis-the theological journal of Emanuel University, 14(1):41-62.
6. Godfrey Museka and Nisbert T. Taringa. (2014). Social media and the moral development of adolescent pupils: soulmates or antagonists? Zimbabwe Journal of Education Research, 26(1): 100-120.
7. Godfrey Museka, Morrin Phiri, Darmarris Kaguda, and Barbra C. Manyarara. (2013) The prophylactics debate: is unhu/ubuntu an alternative for Zimbabwe? Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. 25(1):20-37.
8. Godfrey Museka and Darmarris Kaguda. (2013). The school and the second sex: a feminist response to verbal and non-verbal sexual abuse of girls by boys in Zimbabwe’s secondary schools. Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies, 4(2):308-314.
9. Godfrey Museka, Manasa M. Madondo and Morrin Phiri. (2013). Taboos: the rural Shona children’s ecological sixth sense. African Journal of Children’s Literature, 1(1): 86-92.
10. Godfrey Museka and Manasa M. Madondo. (2012). The quest for a relevant environmental pedagogy in the African context: insights from Unhu/ubuntu philosophy. Journal of Ecology and Natural Environment, 4(10), 258-265.
11. Godfrey Museka. (2012). Medical pluralism and the quest for therapy: the dilemma of HIV and AIDS patients in Zimbabwe’s rural Gandanzara area. Rose and Croix Journal. Volume 9. 1-16.
12. Godfrey Museka, Barbra C. Manyarara, and Darmarris Kaguda. (2012). “There is no room for religion in soccer”: marginalisation of the culturally different. UNISA Latin American Report: UNISA Centre for Latin American Studies. 8(2): 394-403.
13. Godfrey Museka. (2012). Exorcising the colonial jinx: towards reconciling diversity and pedagogy in Zimbabwe’s Religious Education curriculum. The Journal of Pan African Studies, 5(1):55-68.
14. Godfrey Museka. (2012). The religious dimension to intercultural, values and citizenship education: a call for methodological re-consideration in Zimbabwe’s Religious Education curriculum, Zimbabwe Journal of Education Research, 24(1): 25-35.
15. Molly Manyonganise and Godfrey Museka. (2010). Incestuous child sexual abuse in Shona society: implications on the educational achievements of the girl child, Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, 22 (2): 226-241.
16. Barbra C. Manyarara and Godfrey Museka. (2009). Ritual or mere sexual aberration: a comparative analysis of incest as taboo in Zimbabwe and Caribbean literary works, UNISA Latin American Report-UNISA Centre for Latin American Studies, Vol 1(2), 154-167.
Published Book Chapters
1. N.T. Taringa and Godfrey Museka (2021). No to bride price/bride wealth, yes to roora: investigating the meaning, function and purpose of roora as a ritual. In L. Togarasei and E. Chitando (eds). Lobola (Bridewealth) in Contemporary Southern Africa: Implications for Gender Equality. Palgrave Macmillan: Gewerbestrasse, 13-28.
2. N.T. Taringa and Godfrey Museka (2021). Robert Mugabe as an African traditional religious fundamentalist. In E. Chitando (ed). Personality Cult and Politics in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe. Routledge: London and New York, 71-86.
3. Molly Manyonganise and Godfrey Museka (2020). The sedated sacred: a socioreligious analysis of Zimbabwe’s land reform programme and environmental degradation. In N.P. Matholeni, G.K. Boateng and M. Manyonganise (eds). Mother Earth, Mother Africa and African Indigenous Religions. Stellenbosch: Sun Press, 67-84.
4. Godfrey Museka and Francis Machingura. (2018), Hidden curriculum: the Achilles heel of multifaith pedagogy. In F. Machingura and T. Chataika (eds.), The Intersection of Ubuntu, Education and Ethics in Zimbabwe, University of Zimbabwe Publications, Harare, 88-98.
5. Francis Machingura and Godfrey Museka. (2018). We are not asexual: the bible, disability and pentecostal spirituality. In F. Machingura, L. Togarasei and E. Chitando (eds.), Pentecostalism and Human Rights in Contemporary Zimbabwe, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 159-181.
6. Godfrey Museka, Darmarris Kaguda and Onias Matumbu. (2016), Sounds of death: the adaptation of Madzviti-Muchongoyo music in silencing dissenting voices in Chipinge (Manicaland-Zimbabwe, 2002-2008). In F. Mangena, E. Chitando and I. Muwati (eds.), Sounds of life: Music, Identity and Politics in Zimbabwe, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 114-126.
7. Molly Manyonganise and Godfrey Museka. (2015), “When the enemy shall come in like a flood…” (Isaiah 59:19): a critical analysis of the church’s response to the Zimbabwean economic crisis. In A. Chitando, T. Chikowero and A.M. Madongonda (eds.), The Art of Survival: Depictions of Zimbabwe and Zimbabwean in Crisis, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 125-143.
8. Manasa.M Madondo and Godfrey Museka (2014).Curriculum greening: a review of progress in mainstreaming education for sustainable development in the Zimbabwean formal education system in the context of the 1999 education commission. In M.M. Madondo, G. Museka and M. Phiri (Eds). The Presidential Commission of Inquiry into Education and Training (Nziramasanga Commission): Implementation Successes, Challenges and Opportunities (Vol. 1). Harare: HRRC-UZ.
9. Godfrey Museka and Francis Machingura (2014). Interaction of the old testament with the Shona traditions on children. In E. Chitando, M.R. Gunda and J. Kugler (Eds). Bible and Children- Bible in African Studies Vol 13. Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press.
10. Godfrey Museka, Morrin Phiri and Manasa.M Madondo (2013). Patriarchy and gender-based violence: the politics of exclusion in Zimbabwe’s Roman Catholic Church. In E. Chitando and S. Chirongoma (Eds). Justice not Silence: Churches Facing Sexual and Gender-Based Violence. Stellenbosch: Sun Press.
1. Godfrey Museka, (Forthcoming). Bridging cosmic gaps: rituals in Shona traditional worldview. In E Chitando and I Muhwati (eds.), African Cosmos. University of Zimbabwe Publications
2. Godfrey Museka., F. Machingura, and M. Manyonganise. (Forthcoming). Johane Masowe apostolic beliefs and practices: a recipe for gender-based demographic distaters. In F. Machingura and E. Chitando (eds.), Religion and sexuality in Zimbabwe. Fortress Academic Publishers, pp129-139.
3. F. Machingura, M. Manyonganise and G. Museka. (Forthcoming). Men as silent victims of rape: the case of ritual rapes in Zimbabwe. In F. Machingura and E. Chitando (eds.), Religion and sexuality in Zimbabwe. Fortress Academic Publishers, pp165-177.
1. Manasa.M Madondo., Godfrey Museka., Morrin Phiri (eds). (2014). The Presidential Commission of Inquiry into Education and Training (Nziramasanga Commission): Implementation Successes, Challenges and Opportunities (Vol. 1). Harare: HRRC-UZ, 183 pages.
2. E, Kanyuru, E, Matikiti, Godfrey Museka and J, Muyaka. (2018). Secondary Family and Religious Studies 4: Learner’s Book. Harare: Consultus Publishing Services (CPS), 168 pages.
1. E, Kanyuru, E, Matikiti, Godfrey Museka and J, Muyaka. (Forthcoming). Secondary Family and Religious Studies Form 3: Learner’s Book. Harare: Consultus Publishing Services (CPS).
2. O. Matumbu., Godfrey Museka and E Mutsambiwa. (Forthcoming). Secondary Family and Religious Studies Form 1: Learner’s Book. Harare: Consultus Publishing Services (CPS).
1. Museka, G. (2011). The significance of human earthly life: a course in spiritual awakening and character development, by Francis Chumachawazungu (2010). Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, 23(2):202-203.
1. Biri, K., Museka, G., Shoko, T., Manyonganise, M., and Chirovamavi, M. (2014). African Traditional Religion(s)-Module. Zimbabwe Open University
Patented Work:
The Presidential Commission of Inquiry into Education and Training Book Project
Grants & Funding (current and Past projects):
Awards & Achievements:
Consultancy and advisory work (current and past):
Consultus Publishing Services-Author and content reviewer
Supervision information (MPhil, DPhil, etc.):
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