Researcher Profiles

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Dr. Henry Matienga


Master of Technical Education, PHD

Academic Appointments:

Research Interests:

Design and Technology Education issues, Industrial Design and Technology, Design and Technology Curriculum Design

Faculty: Education
Department: Technical Education
Research Category: Education

Phone: 0773761666

Matienga, H and Molwane. B. (2014) An overview of the Bachelor of Education Metal and Wood Technology and Designof The University of Zimbabwe and the Bachelor of Industrial Design and Technology of The University of Botswana: lessons to learn from each other.
Botswana Journal of Technology, Vol 8, Nov 2014
• Zindi. E and Matienga. H (2017) Management Strategies for Practical Skills Development Instruction in Zimbabwe Polytechnics. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development. August 2017 Issue 8 volume 6 Page 140-149
• Mpofu. M and Matienga, H. (2016) The living conditions of student teachers at Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo Polytechnic and Implications to their performance- Journal of Innovative Research and Development. July 2016 Issue 8, Vol 2
• Matienga, H. (2011) Secondary School Wood Technology Graduates: What have Industrialists to say? A Case of Furniture Manufacturing Industries in Southerton Heavy Industrial Area in Harare. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research Vol 23 Number 2

Patented Work:

Grants & Funding (current and Past projects):

Awards & Achievements:

Consultancy and advisory work (current and past):

Supervision information (MPhil, DPhil, etc.):

Professional membership, Committees, Boards:

Technical Education Research Group

External Profile Links (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, other social media links):


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