Researcher Profiles

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Prof. Makuvaza, Ngoni


B.A Dual Hons(Phil. & Rel. Studies); D. Phil. (U.Z)

Academic Appointments:

Research Interests:

Citizenship Education
Philosophy of Education
Decolonising philosophies of Education
Business& Professional Ethics
Post-colonialism and ducation
Education and Development in the 21 st Century in Africa
Issues of hunhu/Ubuntu, globalization, governance and democracy
Issues in gerontology and Old Peoples’ Homes
African metaphysics
African spirituality

Faculty: Education
Department: Educational Foundations
Research Category: Education

Professor in Philosophy of Education. Lectured in teachers’ colleges for 6 years and currently at the University of Zimbabwe for 21 years

Phone: 0775 145 811

Articles in International Refereed Journals
1. Makuvaza, N. (2014). ‘Interrogating the irrationality of the rational and child sexual abuse in Zimbabwe: The call for education for hunhu/ubuntu, AJSW, 4(1), pp.20-54.
2. ---------------- (1996). Education in Zimbabwe, Today and Tomorrow: The case for Unhuist/Ubuntuist Institutions of Education in Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, 8(3).
3. ----------------(2008) ‘Kantian Ethics in an African Perspective: Implications for Professionals in Zimbabwe’, Zimbabwe Bulletin of Teacher Education, 15(1), pp.30-44.
4. ---------------- (2008) ‘Conquest, colonial education and cultural uprootedness in Africa-The role of education in de-rooting the African in Zimbabwe’, Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, 20(3), pp. 371-388.
5. ----------------(2013) ‘Peace and Conflict in Zimbabwe-A call for Peace Education’, Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, 25(2), pp.240-260.
6. ------------------(2010) ‘Philosophical Reflections on the Nziramasanga Commission on Education and Training of 1999 with special reference to Chapter 4 (Hunhu/Ubuntu – Holistic Education)’, Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, 22(3), pp.357-365.
7. ------------------(2008) ‘Teaching the student vs teaching the subject and the dilemma of the teacher in Zimbabwe: The case of citizenship’, The Dyke, 3(2), pp.46-59.
8. ------------------(1995) ‘Educatedness in the African Context: The case for Education for Hunhuism/Ubuntuism in Zimbabwe’, The Zimbabwe Bulletin of Teacher Education, 4(3), pp.89-99.
9. ------------------ (1996) ‘Missionary Education in Perspective: Against the Theory of benevolence’, Zimbabwe Bulletin of Teacher Education, 4(4).
10. ----------------- (2006) ‘Teachers for the 21 st Century: The case for professional teacher ethics in colleges of teacher education’, Zimbabwe Bulletin of Teacher Education, pp.19-32.
11. ---------------- (2015) ‘Hunhu/Ubuntu and the idea of Shona personhood: A tripartite perspective’ ZAMBEZIA, Vol.42, Nos.i/ii , pp.1-17
12. Makuvaza N. & Gora, B. (2014). ‘What is happening to the ‘noble’ profession?
Concerns about and threats to the teaching profession in high schools in Zimbabwe-The wayforward, Intenational J. Soc. Scie & Education, 4(2), pp.477-491.
13. Makuvaza, N & Gatsi, R. (2014) ‘Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Educatedness in an Afro-Zimbabwean context-The role of philosophy of hunhu/ubuntu’, Intenational J.Soc.Scie&Education, 4(2), pp. 369-380.
14. Makuvaza, N. & Hapanyengwi, O. (2014) ‘Hunhu: In search of an Indigenous Philosophy for the Zimbabwe Education System’, Journal of Indigenous Social Development, 3(1).
15. Makuvaza, N., Hapanyengwi-Chemhuru, O., & Mutasa, J. (2016) Hunhu: Making Human rights Education Discourse Relevant, Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies, 9(2), pp.100-115.

Chapters in Published Books

1. Makuvaza, N. & Hapanyengwi, O. (2017) Re-thinking education in postcolonial Africa: Educating munhu/umuntu in Zimbabwe. In. E. Shizha & N. Makuvaza (eds.) Re-thinking education in postcolonial sub-Saharan Africa in the 21 st Century: Post-Millennium Development Goals, UK: Sense Publishers, pp.85-104

2. Makuvaza, N. (2017) ‘Dilemmas: SME Business Philosophy’ and ZIMASSET in Zimbabwe’, In. I. Chirisa & P. Kwaira (Eds) Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation: Critical Perspectives and Debates in Public Policy, University of Zimbabwe: UZP, pp.61-69.

3. Makuvaza, N. & Shizha, E. (2014). ‘Indigenisation & Sustainable development for Zimbabwe:A post-colonial perspective, In. E. Shizha & A. Ali (Eds.), (2014) Indigenous Discourses on Knowledge and Development in Africa, New York: Routledge, 2014, pp.46-63.

4. Makuvaza, N. & Hapanyengwi, O. (2013) ‘Hunhu as the Philosophical Foundations of MaShona Indigenous Education’, In. E. A. Makadho (ed.) Issues in Foundations of Education, Gweru: Booklove, pp. 2-16.

5. Makuvaza, N & Hapanyengwi, O. (2013). ‘Rethinking the Philosophy of Technical and Vocational Education in Zimbabwe: Towards a Holistic Curriculum’, In. E. A. Makadho (ed.) Issues in Foundations of Education, Gweru: Booklove, pp. 2-17-41.

6. Makuvaza, N. & Hapanyengwi, O. (2013). ‘Philosophy, Education and Educatedness in Africa: A Theoretical Perspective’, In. E. A. Makadho (ed.) Issues in Foundations of Education, Gweru: Booklove, pp. 42- 58.

7. Makuvaza, N. & Hapanyengwi, O. (2013). ‘Dominant Paradigm of Teaching and the Effective/Good Teacher- A critique with special reference to Teaching and Education in Zimbabwe’, In. E. A. Makadho (ed.) Issues in Foundations of Education, Gweru: Booklove, pp. 59-72.

8. Makuvaza, N. & Hapanyengwi, O. (2014) ‘Towards a hunhuist/ubuntuist philosophy of education in post-colonial Zimbabwe’, In. M. Manasa, G.Museka & M. Phiri (eds.). (2014) The Presidential Commission of Inquiry into Education and Training: Implementation Successes, Challenges and Opportunities. University of Zimbabwe: The Human Resources Research Centre, 2014, pp.43-53

9. Makuvaza, N. & Shizha, E. (2013). ‘Information and Communication Technologies: Possible challenges to the teacher’s authority’, In. E. Shizha (ed.) Restoring the Educational Dream: Rethinking Educational Transformation in Zimbabwe, South Africa: Africa Institute of South Africa, pp. 96-110.
10. Makuvaza, N. (1999). ‘Philosophy, Education and the Intending Teacher: An Introduction’, In. M. Peresuh & T. Nhundu, Foundations of Education in Africa, Harare: College Press, pp. 58-74.
11. Makuvaza, N. (1998) ‘Development with an African Face’, In. E. Chiwome & Z. Gambahaya, Culture and Development-Perspectives from the South, Harare: Mond Books, pp. 40-45.
12. Makuvaza, N. (2014) ‘Indigenization and sustainable development for Zimbabwe: A postcolonial perspective’, In. E. Shizha & A. Abdi (eds.), Indigenous Discourses on Knowledge and Development in Africa, London: Routledge, pp.46-62.
13. Makuvaza, N., Muchenje, F. & Gora, R.B (2016) ‘Interrogating the concept of time among the Shona: A Postcolonial Discourse’ In. G. Emeagwaali & E. Shizha, African Indigenous Knowledge and the Sciences, UK: Sense Publishers, pp. 79-92
14. Makuvaza, N. (2016) ‘Old Peoples’ Homes (OPHs) and Intergenerational Cultural Discontinuity’, In. P. Ngulube (ed.) Handbook of Research on Social, Cultural and Educational Considerations of Indigenous Knowledge in Developing Countries, USA: IGI Global, pp. 345-367.
15. Makuvaza, N. & Hapanyengwi, O. (2017) ‘Unpacking the relevance/irrelevance of education problematic’ in Zimbabwe- A postcolonial discourse’. In. E. Shizha & N. Makuvaza (eds.) Re-thinking education in postcolonial Sub-Saharan Africa in the 21 st Century: Post-Millennium Development Goals, UK: Sense Publishers, pp. 53-68.
16 Makuvaza, N (2017) ‘Amplifying the Anti-Death Penalty Discourse in Zimbabwe: Lessons from Chivanhu Justice,’ In. F. Mangena (ed.) The death penalty from an African perspective: Views from Zimbabwean and Nigerian Philosophers. UK: Vernon Publishers.
17. Makuvaza, N. & Shizha, E. (2017) ‘Introduction: Re-thinking Education in Postcolonial Sub-Saharan Africa- Post-Millennium Development Goals’, In. N. Makuvaza & E. Shizha, Re-thinking Education in Postcolonial Sub-Saharan Africa- Post-Millennium Development Goals, UK: Sense Publishers, pp.1-14.

18. Makuvaza, N & Gora, R. (2018) ‘Old People’s Homes as a Legacy of Colonialism in Zimbabwe: Perspectives from Hunhu/Ubuntu Cultural Philosophy’, In: F. Mangena & J. D McClymont, Philosophy, Race and Multiculturalism in Southern Africa, Washington, D.C: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy pp. 251-269.

19. Makuvaza, N. (2015). ‘Celebrating the Samkange’s Legacy-Universalizing the African particularity (Interrogating and building upon the Samkange’s unique legacy on unhu/Ubuntu)’, In: F. Machingura (Ed.) The Intersection of unhu/Ubuntu and Ethics, University of Zimbabwe: UZ Publications.

Book Reviews
1. Makuvaza, N. (1996) Uprooted-Refugees and Social Work in Africa, by R. Mupedziswa, Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, 8(2), pp.162-165.
2. ------------------(1996) Hunhuism or Ubuntuism: A Zimbabwe Indigenous Political Philosophy by T & S. Samkange, Harare: Graham Publishers. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research 8(1), pp.75-77.
3. -------------------Philosophy of Education: Its relevance to teacher education. Oswell H. Chemhuru, published by Booklove Publishers, Zimbabwe (2011). Gweru, Zimbabwe: Booklove Publishers. 194 pp. ISBN 978 0 7974 4285 6. Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry, 2014, 6(2), pp. 42-44 ISSN 1916-3460 © 2014 University of Alberta

Published Books
1. Makuvaza, N. A (2010) Philosophical Critique of Third World Under-development: The Case for a Philosophy of Liberation, Germany: Lambert Publishers.
2. Makuvaza, N. & Shizha, E. (2017) (Eds.) Re-thinking Postcolonial Education in Sub-Saharan Africa in the 21 st Century: Post-Millennium Development Goals, UK: Sense Publishers.

Books Accepted for Publication
1. Makuvaza, N & Gora, R (Eds) (2019) Negotiating Issues in Chivanhu/Isintu, Unhu/Ubuntu/Vumunhu and IKSs in Zimbabwe: A Handbook for colleges

Patented Work:

Grants & Funding (current and Past projects):

Awards & Achievements:

Consultancy and advisory work (current and past):

Supervision information (MPhil, DPhil, etc.):

Supervised 6
External Examining of D.Phil students: 5 students (UNISA, FORT HARE, GZU & WUA)

Professional membership, Committees, Boards:

Faculty Research board Representative; Departmental Timetable Committee; Postgraduate Committee

External Profile Links (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, other social media links):

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