Prof. Tsitsi Chataika
• Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): University of Sheffield, England, 2007 • Post-doctoral Fellow (2009-2011), Stellenbosch University, South Africa • Master of Arts (Special Educational Needs), University of Leeds, England, 2003 • B Ed, University of Zimbabwe, Bachelor of Education - Special Education, 1999 • Diploma in Education (Special Education), University of Zimbabwe, 1993 • Diploma in Mainstreaming Disability Equality - International Training Centre (ILO), 2010 • Certificate in Education (Primary Education), University of Zimbabwe, 1989.
Academic Appointments:
Chairperson: Department of Educational Foundations
Research Interests:
- Inclusive Education (early childhood to tertiary education)
- African Childhood Disability Studies and families
- Disability mainstreaming, inclusive sustainable development and Universal Design
- Community Based Rehabilitation
- Disability politics, human rights, advocacy, lobbying and policy analysis
- Disability in relation to gender, poverty, employment and religion
- Disability and postcolonial theory
- Disability and Indigenous knowledge systems
Faculty: Education
Department: Educational Foundations
Research Category: Education
Dr Tsitsi Chataika is the Chairpersonof the Department of Educational Foundations in the Faculty of Education at the University of Zimbabwe. She is also a senior lecturer in disability and inclusive education in the same department. She is also a member of the University of Zimbabwe Research Board. She holds a doctorate in Inclusive Education from The University of Sheffield (UK) and her research explored personal experiences of disabled students in higher education in Zimbabwe. She is also a visiting researcher at the same university. She was Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Jan 2009-Dec 2011) at the Centre for Rehabilitation Studies, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. The African Policy on Disability and Development (A-PODD) Project focused on explored the participation of disabled people in national development processes in Malawi, Ethiopia, Uganda and Sierra Leone. Dr Chataika was a Research Associate (2004-2005) for “Jobs Not Charity” project at the University of Sheffield (UK), School of Education. The project examined disabled people's experiences of work, existing institutional barriers and exposed enabling changes that promote the employment opportunities of disabled people. She has more than 30 publications and her most recent is the ‘The Routledge Handbook of Disability in Southern Africa’. She has presented at various national and international platforms. Dr Tsitsi Chataika is passionate about promoting inclusive education programming in order to ensure that learners access education up to higher education. She has evaluated several inclusive education programmes in Zimbabwe and conducts disability awareness and mainstreaming workshops at both local and regional levels. Dr Tsitsi Chataika has conducted consultancy work with international organisations that include African Union Commission, UNESCO, British Council, World Bank, Save the Children International, ILO, Leonard Cheshire Disability, Handicap International, GIZ and CBM. Her goal is to promote inclusive sustainable development with implications for policy and practice.
Phone: + 263 774 429 687
1. Chataika, T., Mehrotra, N., Karen Soldatic, K. and Kater?ina Kola´r?ova, K. (2016). ‘What Kind of Development Are We Talking About?’ A Virtual Roundtable with Tsitsi Chataika, Nilika Mehrotra, Karen Soldatic and Kater?ina Kola´r?ova´ Edited by Kater?ina Kola´r?ova, Somatechnics, 6.2: 142–158. DOI: 10.3366/soma.2016.0188.
2. Mutswanga, P. & Chataika, T. (2016). An Analysis of Personal Experiences of Deaf People on Higher Education in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, 28(2),124-145.
3. Chataika, T. (2015). AS Kanter: The development of disability rights under international law: From charity to human rights (2014). African Disability Rights Yearbook Journal 2015, 329-337. Pretoria University Law Press. (Book Review).
4. MacLachlan, M. Mji, G., Chataika, T. Wazakili, W. Dube, A. K., Mulumba, M., Massah, B., Wakene, D., Kallon, F. &, Maughan, M. (2014). Facilitating Disability Inclusion in Poverty Reduction Processes: Group Consensus Perspectives from Disability Stakeholders in Uganda, Malawi, Ethiopia, and Sierra Leone. Disability and the Global South, 1(1), 107-127
5. Cleophas, M. Swart, E. Chataika, T. and Bell, D. (2014). Increasing Access into Higher Education: Insights from the 2011 African Network on Evidence-to-Action on Disability Symposium – Education Commission. African Journal of Disability, 3(2), 1-3.
6. Chataika, T. Mckenzie, J, A., Swart, E. & Lyner-Cleophas, M. (2012). Access to Education in Africa: Responding to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Disability & Society, 27(3), 385-398.
7. Mutepfa, M. M., Mpofu, E & Chataika, T. (2007). Inclusive Education Practices in Zimbabwe: Curriculum, Family and Policy Issues. Childhood Education (Special Issue: International Focus Issue), 83(6) 342-346
1. Chataika, T. (2019) (Ed). The Routledge Handbook of Disability in Southern Africa. London: Routledge.
2. Machingura, F. and Chataika, T. (2018) (Eds). The Intersection of Ubuntu, Education and Ethics in Zimbabwe. Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications.
1. Bergs, M., Chataika, T., El-Lahib, Y. & A. K. Dube (in press). The Routledge Handbook of Disability Activism. London: Routledge.
1. Chataika, T. (2019). Introduction: Critical Connections and Gaps in Disability and Development. In T. Chataika (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Disability in Southern Africa. Routledge: London, pp.3-13.
2. Chataika, T. (2019). Concluding remarks and future direction. In T. Chataika (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Disability in Southern Africa. Routledge: London, pp.336-339.
3. Gweme, S. and Chataika, T. (2019). Examining the Effectiveness of the Special Class Model in Zimbabwe. In T. Chataika (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Disability in Southern Africa. Routledge: London, pp.123-135
4. Howell, C., Mckenzie, J. & Chataika, T. (2018). Building the Capacity of Teachers for Inclusive Education in South Africa and Zimbabwe. In Sayed, Y., Howell, C. & Badroodien, A. Continuous Professional Teacher Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Improving Teaching and Learning, London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp.127-150.
5. Chataika, T. & Machingura, F. (2018). Introduction: Intersection of Ubuntu, Education and Ethics in Zimbabwe. In Machingura, F. & Chataika, T. (Eds), The Intersection of Ubuntu, Education and Ethics in Zimbabwe.Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications, pp1-11.
6. Hapanyengwi, O. and Chataika, T. (2018). Do Academic Grades Really Matter? Perspectives of Parents, Teachers and Primary School Learners in Mashonaland Central and Matabeleland South Region. In Machingura, F. & Chataika, T. (Eds), The Intersection of Ubuntu, Education and Ethics in Zimbabwe.Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications, pp.40-50.
7. Chataika, T. and Machingura, F. (2018). Intersection of Ubuntu and Christianity: A Quest for Inclusive Development to Promote Wealth Creation among People with Disabilities in Zimbabwe. In Machingura, F. & Chataika, T. (Eds), The Intersection of Ubuntu, Education and Ethics in Zimbabwe.Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications, pp.138-150.
8. McKenzie, J. and Chataika, T. (2018). Supporting families in raising disabled children to enhance African Childhood Development. In K. Runswick-Cole, Curran, T. and Liddiard, K. (Eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Disabled Children’s Childhood Studies. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp 315-332.
9. Chataika, T. (2017). Disabled Women, Urbanization and Sustainable Development in Africa. In A. Lacey (Ed). Women, Urbanization and Sustainability: Practices of Survival, Adaptation and Resistance. London: Palgrave McMillan, pp.179-198.
10. Chataika, T. (2017). African Perspectives on Article 24 of the CRPD. In C. O’Mahony and Quinn G. (Eds). Disability Law and Policy: An Analysis of the UN Convention. London: Clarus Press, pp. 177-196.
11. Chataika, T. and Mckenzie, A. J. (2016). Global institutions and their engagement with disability mainstreaming in the South: Development and (dis)connections. In S. Grech & K Soldatic (Eds). Disability in the Global South: The Critical Handbook. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp.423-436.
12. Chataika, T., Berghs, M., Mateta, A. and Shava, K. (2015). From Whose Perspective Anyway? – The Quest for African Disability Rights Activism. In A. de Waal (Ed), Advocacy in Conflict: Critical Perspectives on Transnational Activism. London: Zed Books, pp.187-
13. Chataika, T. (2013). Cultural and Religious Explanations of Disability and Promoting Inclusive Communities. In J. M. Claassen., L. Swartz, and L. Hansen (eds.), Search for Dignity: Conversations on Human Dignity, Theology and Disability, Cape Town: African Sun Media (Stellenbosch University), pp.117-128.
14. Chataika, T. & McKenzie, J. A. (2013). Considerations for an African Childhood Disability Studies. In T. Curran and K. Runswick-Cole (eds), Disabled Children’s Childhood Studies: Contemporary thinking and inquiry for creative policy and practice, London: Palgrave, pp.152-163.
15. Chabaya, O. and Chataika, T. (2013) Roles and Responsibilities of Supervisors and Research Students/Candidates. In S. Modesto (Ed). Preparing Your Dissertation/Thesis at a Distance: A Research Guide. Publisher: Vancouver: Virtual University For Small States of the Commonwealth, pp.77-99.
16. Chataika, T. (2012). Postcolonialism, Disability and Development. In D. Goodley and B. Hughes (Eds) Social Theories of Disability: New Developments and Directions. London: Routledge, pp. 252-269.
17. Lawthom, R. & Chataika, T. (2012). Lave and Wenger, Communities of Practice and Disability. In D. Goodley and B. Hughes (Eds) Social Theories of Disability: New Developments and Directions. London: Routledge, pp. 233-251.
18. Wazakili, M, Chataika, T., Mji, G., Dube, A.K. & MacLachlan, M. (2011) The Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Poverty Reduction Policies and Instruments: Initial Impressions from Malawi and Uganda. In A. H. Eide & B. Ingstad (Eds.). Disability and poverty: a global challenge. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 15-29.
19. Chataika, T. (2010) Inclusion of Disabled Students in Higher Education in Zimbabwe. In J. Lavia and M. Moore (Eds.) Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Policy and Practice: Decolonizing Community Contexts. New York: Routledge, pp. 116-131.
1. Berghs, M., Chataika, T., Dube, A. K. & El-Lahib, Y. (Sept, 2019). Introducing Disability Activism. In M. Berghs, T. Chataika, A. K. Dube & Y. El-Lahib (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Disability Activism. London: Routledge.
2. Chataika, T. Sibanda, S. Mateta, A. & Gahatraj, K. (Sept, 2019). A virtual roundtable: Re/defining disability activism with emerging global South disability activists In M. Berghs, T. Chataika, A. K. Dube & Y. El-Lahib (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Disability Activism. London: Routledge.
3. Berghs, M., Chataika, T., Dube, A. K. & El-Lahib, Y. (Sept, 2019). Disability futures: Activism futures and challenges. In M. Berghs, T. Chataika, A. K. Dube & Y. El-Lahib (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Disability Activism. London: Routledge.
1. Chataika, T. & Hlatwyayo, L. (2019). Africa Report on the Implementation of the Continental Plan of Action on the African Decade for Persons with Disabilities (2010-2019). Addis Ababa: African Union Commission.
2. Chataika, T. (2018). Addressing Albinism in Zimbabwe: A Situational Analysis. World Bank: New York.
3. Mitzi, W. Ajit, A. K., Akkerman……., Chataika, T. et al. (2018). Included in Training and Work: Transforming policies and practices for People with Disabilities. Disabilities Studies Netherlands: Leiden.
4. Hapanyengwi, O., Chataika, T. and Dirwai, C. (2018). Quality of Education: Interrelationships between Learning Environments and Learning Outcomes and Child Development in Basic Education in Zimbabwe Longitudinal Study Report 2014 – 2016. Save the Children: Oslo.
5. Chataika, T. Mulumba, M., Mji, G. & MacLachlan, M. (2011). Did What?: Research Project in Brief: The African Policy on Disability & Development (A-PODD) in Uganda; Dublin: The Global Health Press.
6. Chataika, T., Kallon, F., Mji, G. & MacLachlan, M. (2011). Did What?: Research Project in Brief: The African Policy on Disability & Development (A-PODD) in Sierra Leone; Dublin: The Global Health Press.
1. Chataika, T., Munthali,, A. & Marufu, S. (2019). Save the Children Endline Evaluation of the Inclusive Education in Malawi Project. Lilongwe: Save the Children. (Team leader)
2. Chataika, T. Gwaze, I. & Maroveke, M. (2018). Midterm Review (MTR) of the CBM Zimbabwe Country Plan (2015-2020). Harare: CBM. (Team leader).
3. Chakuchichi, D. & Chataika, T. (2014). Mid Term Review Report: ‘Promoting Inclusive Education in Schools’: Leonard Cheshire Disability Zimbabwe Trust. Leonard Cheshire Disa
Patented Work:
Published journal articles, books, book chapters and commissioned reports.
Grants & Funding (current and Past projects):
- Quality of Education: Interrelationships between Learning Environments and Learning Outcomes and Child Development in Basic Education in Zimbabwe. Harare: Save the Children, 2014-2017
- Enhancing Quality Learning Environment in Primary Schools in Zimbabwe Through “I’m Learning!” Programme. Harare: Save the Children (longitudinal Study - 2013-2016).
- International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) AuthorAID Workshop Grant:
US$ 2500.00 – August 2015.
- The African Policy on Disability and Development (A-PODD) Project focused on explored the participation of disabled people in national development processes in Malawi, Ethiopia, Uganda and Sierra Leone. (500 000 Euros).
- Excellence Research Scheme Award, University of Sheffield– Academic visit to Pennsylvania State University, USA - £2 900.00 (August 2007).
- Graduate Research Office Bursary (PhD), University of Sheffield - £10.500.00 (2003)
Awards & Achievements:
- 2018 National Women’s Achievers Accolade in Inclusive Education (Zimbabwe, 2018 at Kadoma International Conference Centre).
- African Union Commission disability expert advisor
- Dr Oswell Hapanyengwi, Dr Tsitsi Chataika & Mr Crispen Dirwai’s research on the impact of learning environments on learning outcomes was judged as the best in the Humanities Cluster (emerging researchers) during the 2017 University of Zimbabwe Research Week which took place between 24 and 30 July 2017.
- Visiting Researcher Grant to Sheffield University, UK for the ESRC Global Challenge Research Bid Writing Proposal (iHuman Centre), 23 February to 23 March 2018 - £2 400.00
- International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) AuthorAID Workshop Grant: US$ 2500.00 – August 2015.
- Conference Disability Awareness and Mainstreaming Workshop Grant of $3 900.00 from CBZ (Harare, Zimbabwe) – January 2014.
- International Conference Grant Award to the Disability Rights Conference a
Consultancy and advisory work (current and past):
• Development of the African Union Disability Strategic Framework (31 March - 06 April 2019, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (African Union).
• British Council - Connecting Classrooms Inclusive Education – Sudan, Khartoum (25-26 March 2019); Nigeria, Abuja (28-29 November, 2018); Ethiopia, Addis Ababa (15-16 Jan 2018); Sierra Leone, Freetown (3-5 Dec 2017); Zambia, Lusaka (30 Nov 2017); Uganda, Kampala (30-31 Oct, 2017).
• Save the Children Malawi - Endline Evaluation (2015-2018) of the Inclusive Education in Malawi Project (Jan-March 2019) (Team Leader).
• CBM Zimbabwe - Midterm Review of the CBM Zimbabwe Country Plan (2015-2019) - Oct-January, 2019 (Team Leader).
• GIZ Ethiopia - Drafting the Africa Disability report on Implementation of the Continental Plan of Action on the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities (2010-2019), 22nd February – 31st March 2018 for African Union Commission
• British Council Connecting Classrooms Inclusive Education Consultant – South Africa (14-16 June
Supervision information (MPhil, DPhil, etc.):
DHhil; MPhil; MED; PHD External Examiner
Professional membership, Committees, Boards:
- International Association of Special Education
- Disability Studies Association
- African Network on Evidence to Action on Disability
- National Executive Board Member, Leonard Cheshire Disability Zimbabwe - 2018-2022
- CAMFED Girls Education Challenge Transition National Advisory Committee Member - 2018 to 2021.
- National Board Member, Nhaka Foundation, , 2018-2021
- National Board Member, Leonard Cheshire Disability Zimbabwe Trust - 2018-2021
- National Board Member, Disabled Women Included (Zimbabwe) - 2017-2020
External Profile Links (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, other social media links):
- Researchgate -
- Academia - http://uz-ac.