Dr. Joseph Chidindi
Academic Appointments:
Research Interests:
Inclusive education and quality assurance in higher education, Critical Realism (CR) theory; Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA).
Faculty: Education
Department: Educational Foundations
Research Category: Education
Dr Joseph Chidindi is a temporary fulltime lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe, where he lectures in the area of special needs education. He is author of the book Revisiting quality issues in higher education: Teaching and learning in resource quandary. Joseph Chidindi attained his graduate qualifications at University of Zimbabwe, University of Oslo (Norway), Oberlin University (Japan) and Rhodes University (South Africa). His interests
are in special needs education and quality assurance in higher education, Critical Realism (CR) and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). He is also a proud member of the Zimbabwean Academic and Non-Fiction Authors Association. When free from work schedules, Joseph likes hanging out with friends.
Phone: +263 719474994, +263 775476994
1. Chidindi, J. (2012). Revisiting Quality Issues in Higher Education: Teaching and Learning in Resource Quandary. Saarbrucken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.
2. Chidindi, J. (2012). Creating Enabling Environment for Inclusion for Students with Developmental Disabilities. https://eric.ed.gov
3. Chidindi, J. (2012). New Demands and Coping Strategies. Eric Clearinghouse
4. Chidindi, J. & McKenna, S. (upcoming). The discourse of autonomy in quality assurance activities of universities through the Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJISS).
5. Chidindi, J. & McKenna, S. (upcoming). The discursive construction of quality in Higher Education: The case of Zimbabwe. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJISS).
6. Chidindi, J. (2019). Conceptualization of quality in higher education in Zimbabwe: Students with disabilities speak. In A. P. Ndofirepi & M. Musengi, Inclusion as Social Justice in Sub-Saharan African Higher Education. Johannesburg: Brill & Sense Publishers.
Patented Work:
Published articles and book
Grants & Funding (current and Past projects):
2005 to 2007. Received the NORAD scholarship for MPhil in Special Needs Education study programme 1999. Received funding from the Global Trust UK for the study for the Certificate in Systemic Counselling at the Zimbabwe Institute of Systemic Therapy (CONNECT
Awards & Achievements:
Consultancy and advisory work (current and past):
Supervision information (MPhil, DPhil, etc.):
Undergraduate MPhil and DPhil
Professional membership, Committees, Boards:
1. Member of the Zimbabwean Academic and Non-Fiction Authors Association.
2. Committee member of the Disability Expo Zimbabwe
External Profile Links (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, other social media links):
Skype: rtakudzwa, Twitter: @Ron Tak Linked in: Dr Joseph